Official Kali Linux Mirrors

Using Official Repositories

The Kali Linux distribution has two repositories, which are mirrored world-wide:

When using the default hosts listed above, you’ll automatically be redirected to a mirror site which is geographically close to you, and which is guaranteed to be up-to-date. If you prefer to manually select a mirror, click on the mirrorlist link near each hostname above and select a mirror that suits you. You will then need to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file accordingly with the chosen values.

IMPORTANT! Do not add additional repositories to your /etc/apt/sources.list file.Doing so will most likely break your Kali installation.

How to Set Up a Kali Linux Mirror


To be an official Kali Linux mirror, you will need a web-accessible server (http required and https if possible too) with lots of disk space, good bandwidth, rsync, and SSH access enabled. As of early 2015, the main package repository is about 450 GB and the ISO images repository is about 50 GB but you can expect those numbers to grow regularly. A mirror site is expected to make the files available over HTTP and RSYNC so those services will need to be enabled. FTP access is optional.

Note on “Push Mirroring” — The Kali Linux mirroring infrastructure uses SSH-based triggers to ping the mirrors when they need to be refreshed. This currently takes place 4 times a day.

Create a User Account for the Mirror

If you don’t have yet an account dedicated for the mirrors, create such an account (here we call it “archvsync”):

sudo adduser –disabled-password archvsync
Adding user ‘archvsync’ …
Is the information correct? [Y/n]

Create Directories for the Mirror

Create the directories that will contain the mirrors and change their owner to the dedicated user that you just created:

sudo mkdir /srv/mirrors/kali{,-images}
sudo chown archvsync:archvsync /srv/mirrors/kali{,-images}

Configure rsync

Next, configure the rsync daemon (enable it if needed) to export those directories:

sudo sed -i -e “s/RSYNC_ENABLE=false/RSYNC_ENABLE=true/” /etc/default/rsync
sudo vim /etc/rsyncd.conf
cat /etc/rsyncd.conf
uid = nobody
gid = nogroup
max connections = 25
socket options = SO_KEEPALIVE

path = /srv/mirrors/kali
comment = The Kali Archive
read only = true

path = /srv/mirrors/kali-images
comment = The Kali ISO images
read only = true
sudo service rsync start
Starting rsync daemon: rsync.

Configure Your Mirror

Configuration of your web server and FTP server are outside the scope of this article. Ideally, you should export the mirrors at and (and do the same for the FTP protocol, if you’re supporting it).

Now comes interesting part: the configuration of the dedicated user that will handle the SSH trigger and the actual mirroring. You should first unpack ftpsync.tar.gz in the user’s account:

sudo su – archvsync
tar zxf ftpsync.tar.gz

Now we need to create a configuration file. We start from a template and we edit at least the MIRRORNAMETORSYNC_PATH, and RSYNC_HOST parameters:

cp etc/ftpsync.conf.sample etc/ftpsync-kali.conf
vim etc/ftpsync-kali.conf
grep -E ‘^[^#]’ etc/ftpsync-kali.conf
MIRRORNAME=`hostname -f`

Set Up the SSH Keys

The last step is to setup the .ssh/authorized_keys file so that can trigger your mirror:

mkdir -p .ssh
wget -O – -q >>.ssh/authorized_keys

If you have not unpacked the ftpsync.tar.gz in the home directory, then you must adjust accordingly the “~/bin/ftpsync” path, which is hard-coded in .ssh/authorized_keys.

Now you must send an email to with all the URLs of your mirrors so that you can be added in the main mirror list and to open up your rsync access on Please indicate clearly who should be contacted in case of problems (or if changes must be made/coordinated to the mirror setup).

Instead of waiting for the first push from, you should run an initial rsync with a mirror close to you, using the mirror list linked above to select one. Assuming that you picked, here’s what you can run as your dedicated mirror user:

$ rsync -qaH /srv/mirrors/kali/ &
$ rsync -qaH /srv/mirrors/kali-images/ &

Set Up cron to Manually Mirror ISO Images

The ISO images repository does not use push mirroring so you must schedule a daily rsync run. We provide a bin/mirror-kali-images script, which is ready to use that you can add in the crontab of your dedicated user. You just have to configure etc/mirror-kali-images.conf.

sudo su – archvsync
cp etc/mirror-kali-images.conf.sample etc/mirror-kali-images.conf
vim etc/mirror-kali-images.conf
grep -E ‘^[^#]’ etc/mirror-kali-images.conf
$ crontab -e
$ crontab -l
# m h dom mon dow command
39 3 * * * ~/bin/mirror-kali-images

Please adjust the precise time so that doesn’t get overloaded by too many mirrors at the same time.

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